Romania photo tours

Our tours to Romania were designed to maximize your photography time! These tours are usually a mixture of stalking photography and the use of our superb nature inbuilt hides (hide-boats) during the best periods. Our ’Danube Delta and Dobrudja Bird Photography tour in Spring’ was elaborated to photograph as wide selection of birds as possible while the ’Danube Delta Special’ is a single-based tour which spends the entire time inside the Danube Delta and the photography is mainly taking place from our special photo-boat. We also have a winter tour visiting the wilderness of the delta, a true adventure! In Transylvania we have several tours, some in early spring while others in late spring and also in the early autumn. We use our own bear hide system and some of the tours are combined bird and bear photography! We also have a short extensions available before or after your delta tours which is designed for your to maximze your time if you are already in Romania! Please browse through our photo tours with dates and select the one you like!

Bears and Birds Photography Tour in Transylvania (8 days)

One week of wildlife photography in Transylvania with special focus to Bears and Birds
This single based tour allowing great opportunities to capture birds in the morning and bears in the afternoons! At the moment we will be running this tour in April only. Target species: Carpathian Brown Bear, White-throated Dipper, Western Capercaillie, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Ural Owl, Wallcreeper, Eurasian Nutcracker and a variety of passerines like thrushes, tits, finches and crossbill.


Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
April 19 ‒ April 26, 2025
Price from:
1980 €/person
Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
April 19 ‒ April 26, 2026
Price from:
2060 €/person
6 places available
Spring in the Carpathians! Bears and Capercaillies in Transylvania, come and join us!

Danube Delta and Dobrudja Bird Photography Spring Tour (8 days)

High diversity in the DANUBE DELTA and DOBRUDJA
Target species: Red-necked and Black-necked Grebes, White and Dalmatian Pelicans, Glossy Ibis, Squacco Heron, Purple Heron, Collared Pratincole, Whiskered and Black Tern, Pallas’s Gull, Cuckoo, Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush, Red-backed and Lesser Grey Shrikes, Hoopoe, Roller, Bee-eater, Isabelline and Pied Wheatears, Penduline Tit, Bearded Tit, Ortolan Bunting etc.


Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
May 17 ‒ May 24, 2025
Price from:
2370 €/person
Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
May 24 ‒ May 31, 2025
Price from:
2370 €/person
1 place available
One of our signiture photography tour with maximum 4 photographers! Join us for this great tour!

Special Brown Bear Photography Tour (7 days)

This tour has been created for those who wish to capture unusual images of bears! This tour will run every year in the most suitable time for getting those special images. The participants on this tour will have the opportunity to photograph bears in the early morning hours from our backlit hide where spring flowers will be abundant too. There will be a total of 10 bear photography sessions on this tour plus there will also be some optional bird photography if someone interested and has the energy in between the bear sessions!
Carpathian Brown Bears in backlit conditions and mother-cub action will be our main focus; and whatever bird subjects easily available from the lodge garden or our nearby hides. In 2019 we had Wryneck, Red-backed Shrike, Common Redstart and a selection of common species on the drinking stations. Corncrake would also be possible in some years if the weather conditions are suitable.


Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
June 1 ‒ June 7, 2025
Price from:
1790 €/person
4 places available
Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
May 31 ‒ June 6, 2026
Price from:
1880 €/person
6 places available
This is a bear photography tour with morning and afternoon sessions!

Danube Delta Special Tour in summer (7 days)

A relaxing tour in the DANUBE DELTA with our unique Photo Boat!
Target species: Red-necked and Black-necked Grebes, Pygmy Cormorant, White and Dalmatian Pelicans, Glossy Ibis, Little Bittern, Squacco and Purple Herons, Nightheron, Common and Whiskered Terns, Bearded Tit, Roller, Kingfisher, Thrush Nightingale, Penduline Tit etc.


Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
June 14 ‒ June 20, 2025
Price from:
2090 €/person
Tour date: 
July 2 ‒ July 8, 2025
Price from:
2090 €/person
1 place available
Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
July 8 ‒ July 14, 2025
Price from:
2090 €/person
4 places available
A relaxing and easy photo holiday with plenty of action! Maximum 4 photographers!

Autumn Bear and Hazel Grouse Photography Tour (5 days)

Carpathian Brown Bear photography in Autumn
Target species: Carpathian Brown Bear. Transylvania is a fascinating place within the Carpathian Basin with its varied habitats and it is also one of the last strongholds for bears in Europe. In 2016, 2017 and 2018 Hazel Grouse was photographed very well from hides as well as stalking, so now this is one of our main targets for this autumn tour. We also devote some time to photograph passerine birds from our feeding and drinking stations as well as to landscape photography.


Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
September 3 ‒ September 7, 2025
Price from:
1150 €/person
4 places available
Magical September in the Carpathians, excellent for bear photography! Come and join us!


Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
January 23 ‒ January 27, 2025
Price from:
1630 €/person
Tour date: 
January 28 ‒ February 1, 2025
Price from:
1630 €/person
4 places available
Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
February 1 ‒ February 5, 2025
Price from:
1630 €/person
Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
February 5 ‒ February 9, 2025
Price from:
1630 €/person
Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
February 13 ‒ February 17, 2025
Price from:
1630 €/person
1 place available
A winter adventure to the Danube Delta! Maximum 4 photographers!

Lynx Photography Tour (7 days)

This is a very special photography tour for those who are up for a challenge! Our expert Lynx tracker Ferenc will be leading this tour and the group size is maximum two photographers. It will be hard work and you will need patience but you will have a chance to photograph wild Eurasian Lynx! It is not guaranteed at all that you will get images but we will work hard to maximize your chances and our pricing also depends on the success – see detailed informations! Please note you can bring your own camera traps as we can position them for Lynx. This is also an alternative on this tour.
There might be opportunities to photograph other wildlife as well but our prime target is to get images of Eurasian Lynx in the wild! You may have a chance for Brown Bear, Wildcat, Red Deer or birds.


Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
February 23 ‒ March 1, 2025
Price from:
2850 €/person
1 place available
Tour date: 
Guaranteed departure
February 28 ‒ March 6, 2026
Price from:
2900 €/person
If you dont see a Lynx we refund 1000 euro! Find out more, and join Ferenc for an adventure!

Carpathian Brown Bear Photography Extension

BEFORE OR AFTER YOUR DANUBE DELTA TOUR! This is a short photo break to capture wild Brown Bears from our special photo hides. This trip would only add 2 extra days on your photography tour. If you already in Romania with us why not elongate your tour!? The Carpathian Mountains holds Europe biggest Brown Bear population and during the Spring/Summer period this lovely animals usually present in front of our hides daily!

Custom Photo Tours

Custom tours include all kinds of private photo tours of singles, couples or small groups of friends who plan to visit our hides but have their own idea of which species or hide they would like to use and for how many days.

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